Calikusu – Feride, an orphaned child, attends boarding school and visits her aunt during breaks and vacations, during this time, she falls in love with her charming older cousin, Kamran. This is, Calikusu (Lovebird).
Watch Serie Calikusu sezon 1 online turkish123 Watch and download exclusive Turkish drama series in different qualities FULL HD serie Calikusu season 1 turkish123. Calikusu – Feride, an orphaned child, attends boarding school and visits her aunt during breaks and vacations, during this time, she falls in love with her charming older cousin, Kamran. This is, Calikusu (Lovebird).
Calikusu – Feride, an orphaned child, attends boarding school and visits her aunt during breaks and vacations, during this time, she falls in love with her charming older cousin, Kamran. This is, Calikusu (Lovebird).